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Zebabalicious: Zucchini Fries!!

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If you’ve never been to either of their trucks, or their “house”,  you are definately missing out!! I was there I don’t know how many months ago and I remember every taste and smell as if I’d just been there yesterday!

On 7th & Navasota
On 7th & Navasota

SO, I went to their house on 7th & Navasota, this location has a couple tables inside, and an area out in the back with a couple more tables. Its pretty small. Kinda cute! 🙂


SO, I went and I didn’t really know what to get, plus I wasn’t that hungry. I thought I’d just get some fries, because every place has fries now, right? So I browsed the menu and I came across the Zucchini fries and got an order of those with all the fixins.

I found a table outside and I gotta say the whole place has this “chill” vibe. You order your food, sit down and wait, while listening to great music, you listen for your order to be called, pick it up and just enjoy! It’s super laid back and really fun to visit with friends. Never a dull moment with friends, am I right?

kebabalicious zuchinni fries



I honestly don’t know how much time went by, but in no time at all these amazing looking fries were sitting in front of me! *Well not exactly  these, I didn’t take a picture, this I got on GoogleImages. I will definitely go back and post my own photos later 😀


So, what’s on them you ask? Aside from the crumbled feta cheese, some red sauce, and parsley. Im not absolutely sure.

I went over to their website (http://www.austinkebab.com) and looked it up because I wasn’t quite sure.

This is what I found: “Hand cut zucchini fries topped with zatar seasoning, crumbled feta, red sauce, crushed red peppers, parsley and served with a lemon wedge.”



Although delicious, I was clueless as to what is in their “red sauce”, so I looked it up on their website.

Red sauce” is “A fiery specialty sauce” …I guess only they know whats in it! 🙂

Another new ingredient to me was “zatar seasoning.” Again, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t have “zatar seasoning” in my pantry?!  So I “Googled it” this is what I found…

“Za’atar (zaatar) is a mixture of sumac, sesame seed and herbs frequently used in the Middle East and Mediterranean areas.” (http://www.thespicehouse.com/spices/zaatar)


WHATEVER was in them, Mmm! They were OUT OF THIS WORLD!! So light, yet SO flavorful! Kinda spicy though! The feta lightened the spicy kick, just a little.

I will definately be going back soon!

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Zucchini Fries